WHO NEEDS A COACH... oh wait, me!
I understand, trust me, I've got an ego too. I refuse to ask for help too. I hate asking for directions. I'll spend an hour on YOUTUBE...
OUT WITH THE OLD... and in with the old
​ NEW! Who doesn't want NEW!? NEW's great... NEW's shiny... NEW's better... right? Maybe not... The old adage, "They don't make 'em like...
I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN - robot voices and wicked awesome naps
Ain't nothin' better. Box fan, Sunday afternoon, and a big fat glorious nap. Crank that bad boy up right next to the bed and I am off to...
WORKING ON THE "DOWN-LOW" - "should I get a permit for that?"
No on really wants to get permits for work they are doing on their home. Frankly, many steps of the process can be intimidating: filling...
WATCH YOUR 6 - how to protect yourself from low-ball bids
It's a common practice that many homeowners fall victim to - contractors who bid a project for a discount price in order to get their...